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November 13, 2001
MacVCD 3.0 Released

The Mireth Technology Corporation has released version 3.0 of MacVCD. MacVCD is the easy way to play Video CDs on the Macintosh. MacVCD features:

  • Full screen display, even on large monitors
  • Automatic Video CD format recognition and file chaining
  • Auto Play and Auto Eject
  • Easy to use standard Macintosh interface including both a movie controller and keyboard control
  • Track and chapter selection support
  • Audio channel selection to support both multi-language and karaoke soundtracks

Version 3.0 adds the following features:

  • Auto eject and auto play preferences.
  • Auto hide menu bar and auto hide controller preferences
  • Comprehensive HTML formatted documentation

MacVCD is available in English for Macintosh.

For more information please see: http://www.mireth.com/pub/mvme.html

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