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Sep 18, 2001
ShredIt 4.8.2 Released

The Mireth Technology Corporation has release version 4.8.2 of the ShredIt - the eDocument shredder. ShredIt provides an easy, permanent way to destroy personal and confidential information. This secure file deletion utility can be used to shred a file, a folder, or even the free space on a disk. ShredIt overwrites the file contents, file name, creator and type. ShredIt is different than just putting documents in the trash since trashed items, and their contents, can be recovered while the contents of shredded items cannot be recovered.

Version 4.8.2 is a maintenance release,improvingperformance when shredding large hard disks. ShredIt is available in English, French, German and Japanese.

For more information please see: http://www.mireth.com/SI.html

For information on the Windows version of ShredIt please see: http://www.mireth.com/SIPC.html

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Dr. P Rock

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