"Mac users looking for disk-wiping programs can use ... Mireth Technology íxs ShredIt X. ."
"Shredit for Windows is a privacy application that is designed to securely erase individual files, free space, or entire hard drives. The software lets you pick the write pattern and the number of writes. A number of different government standards are supported."
"También puede descargar una aplicación de terceros, como ShredIt X de Mireth Tecnology (25 dólares, prueba gratuita disponible), que le permite triturar archivos (es decir, sobrescribir el contenido de un archivo en múltiples ocasiones), así como limpiar su disco duro local, Los discos duros de red y CD-RW. (También hay una versión para Windows)."
"Shredit for Windows is a privacy application that is designed to securely erase individual files, free space, or entire hard drives."
"NetShred X is a Mac app that moves you to another level of shredding, deleting, destroying files that may come back to haunt you. ...
First, NetShred runs in the background. Once you set it up, you can forget about it. It’s not an app you have to use every now and then on some kind of schedule.
Second, NetShred doesn’t delete, it erases files in such a way that they cannot be recovered (at least by humans). It erases your browser cache, history of sites visited, download cache, QuickTime movie cache, favicons cache, Top Sites, Java cache, Flash cache, HTML5 cache, email cache, deleted email, junk mail and spam."
"What can you do to keep your data safe? Get a disk-wiping program, preferably one that meets the U.S. Department of Defense's Media Sanitation Guidelines. ... download a third-party application like Mireth Technology's ShredIt X ($25, free trial available), which lets you shred files (in other words, overwrite the contents of a file multiple times) as well as wipe your local hard drive, network hard drives and CD-RWs. (There's a Windows version as well.) "

" As you may know, when you delete a file, you are not deleting it for good. There are computer applications that can recover files even after you have deleted them and emptied the Trash bin. That is why, if you want to get rid of a file, you have to "shred" it. Shredding deletes a file and it re-writes the space where it was with junk data, so that not a trace of your file can be recovered. ShredIt X allows you to do this easily."
"NetShred X is a Mac app that moves you to another level of shredding, deleting, destroying files that may come back to haunt you. ...
Once you set it up, you can forget about it. It's not an app you have to use every now and then on some kind of schedule.
...NetShred doesn't delete, it erases files in such a way that they cannot be recovered (at least by humans). It erases your browser cache, history of sites visited, download cache, ... deleted email, junk mail and spam.
Setup is simple and straightforward. It works like a digital shredder so there's really nothing left of those nefarious files to recover."
"Music Man combines the best bits of both these programs in a clever piece of software for the Mac.
The ripper converts to all the major formats and can even rip to MP3 and M4A in one smooth operation. It can also convert non DRM protected music tracks into alternative formats - handy for making MP3 CDs from your AAC iTunes library."
"ShredIt, a cross-platform shredder and hard drive cleaner, is such a trustworthy choice...."
"If you need to shred confidential data, ShredIt for Windows is the tool for the job. If you need to wipe clean a hard drive before selling it, ShredIt for Windows is the tool for the job. Whenever you need to permanently get rid of something, ShredIt for Windows is the tool for the job. "
Story: "ShredIt for Windows â“ Protect Your Privacy, Shred Confidential Data
George Norman
FindMySoft Review
"the product ... has remained a sharp disc-burning utility fully capable of creating DVDs ... "
" If you receive any document on your computer that is for your eyes only and should be destroyed after reading, just drag the file on to the ShredIt icon and ShredIt File Shredder will wipe the file data so it can't be recovered."
"When it comes to computers (and especially when it comes to computers on the internet), there is no privacy unless you consciously create it. We have ... demonstrated just how easy it is for a determined snooper to rescue data or salvage files from media which has been erased, reformatted or accidentally damaged. ... With a little bit of knowledge and effort, anyone with access to your computer can see what information you have been searching for and what pages you have been accessing on the web....These files are not removed from your hard drive when you clear cache, delete these files or throw them in the trash. To erase these internet tracks, you need to use an internet track eraser to erase them so they can't be recovered. The problem with most solutions, even the important ones like security and data backup programs, is that unless they run automatically, in the background, people simply do not consistently remember to use them. You can protect your online privacy with Mireth Technology NetShred X, the easy-to- use internet track eraser for Mac OS X that securely erases cached files your browser and email programs leave behind ... and runs automatically. ...NetShred is the easiest way to erase internet tracks and email on your Mac."

"Conclusion: avant de vendre ou de donner votre ordinateur, vous devriez effacer soigneusement l'information qui s'y trouve. Voici comment proceder...Quelques logiciels...
... pour effacer des disques durs internes:
- Mac et Windows
ShredIt "
"Installing Music Man2.7is as easy as downloading the .img file from the Mireth website < www.Mireth.com > and dragging the Music Manfolder to your Applications Folder. You get a 15-day free trial to decide how good the program is before you pay for a registration. For what it does it is remarkably inexpensive, costing just $25.00 to license the download version (or $35.00 if you want to order the CD). For that you get a complete music management system that you can use to take control of all of your music files. Music Man uses a very clean task-based interface. Each of the seven available tasks is represented by a tab across the top of the Music Man window. Depending what task you want to do you click the corresponding tab."
"As more companies, organizations, and individuals find reasons to upgrade their computers, the problem of how to safely discard used equipment continues to amplify.com...If you clear your computer of personal information yourself, it's best to use disk-cleaning software. "Personal information" includes your Internet browser's cache, cookies, history; your email contacts and messages; your documents; your recycle or trash folder; and all nontransferable software. The best way to clear this is with a disk-cleaning utility that overwrites all the sectors of your hard drives, making your data unrecoverable. Listed below are examples of recommended disk-cleaning utilities.... "
"Another unique feature is the mono mixdown feature. There are many situations in which using ear phones in both ears is inconvenient or unsafe, such as when grocery shopping, when walking at night, or when minding children. In these situations, listening with only one earphone in would be preferable, but can hinder the listening experience because stereo sound depends on both the right and left track being heard together. Unlike stereo, Mono mixdown burns all the music to both the right and left track, so one ear listening still hears both tracks."
"If you've got a Mac, you can ... download a third-party application like Mireth Technology's ShredIt X 5.8 ($25, free trial), which lets you shred single files as well as wipe your local hard drive, network hard drives and CD-RWs. "
"Mireth ShredIt X is for users who may need to securely wipe an entire drive but who may also need to dispose of confidential data on an ongoing basis. These users appreciate how easy ShredIt X is to use."

"Music Man seems to be the Swiss Army Knife for Mac sound.... It does have some of the best help and tutorial files on conversion I've seen to date....This program does a tremendous amount of work for not a lot of maney. It is easy to use and the instructions that come with the package are very easy to understand."
"If the computer you're going to eighty-six still works, donate it. Wipe the hard drive clean (ShredIt can do that for you; $20; Mireth.com). "
"One basic privacy measure, however, is easily overlooked: proper data destruction....ShredIt, is available in versions for both Windows and Macintosh computers from Mireth Technology ($19.95 for downloaded versions at www.mireth.com). The program's overwrite methods include user-defined options with up to 35 passes. Another useful feature, in the Macintosh version, is the option to overwrite rewritable CD's. "
"ShredIt ($30 or less at mireth.com/shredit.html) can erase files and drives and comes in versions for most Windows and Macintosh systems.... "
Article: "Q. What's the best way to make sure all information is completely erased from my hard drive before I donate my computer to charity?"
J.D. Biersdorfer
New York Times
"The Windows Recycle Bin is not the end for your deleted files. In fact, deleted files linger even after you've emptied the Recycle Bin. That information could be recovered and read if your computer is stolen.... Fortunately, there are tools to help ensure that deleted files are truly gone. They're commonly called shredders... A few that I've found are ShredIt ($20).... "
"iVCD 2.0 intègre les codecs MPeg-1 et MPeg-2 et un outil de création d'interactivité pour les menus VCD et SVCD. Il peut être utilisé ... pour une création de menu plus fine."
"Macsimum rating: 7 out of 10 ...
ShredIt can shred data on the hard drive, an external hard drive, a floppy disk, a Zip disk, windows formatted media, a RAM disk and just about any disk you can attach to your Mac (except read-only disks and CD ROMs). You can shred items already tossed in the trash. ShredIt X offers optional electronic document shredding standards compliance (US DoD, NSA, Gutmann), a configurable overwrite pattern and number of overwrites. ...
... one good trick is all you need. "
Review: "James Bond or Jane Doe will find ShredIt X useful "
Dennis Sellers
Macsimum Perspective
" iVCD proved simple and intuitive to use, and worked nicely .... iVCD is a user friendly and economical way to create Video CDs on your Mac. If, for example, you're looking for a medium for storing, presenting, and sharing your digital video movies, VCDs are well worth considering. "
Review (link): "Charles Moore Reviews iVCD Video Compact Disk Authoring Utility"
Charles M. Moore
" Alla som vill bränna filmer i nära-dvd-kvalitet på sin cd-brännare kan få en ny vän i IVCD. Programmet har nyligen släppts i version 2.0 och klarar att bränna Quicktime-, avi- och Imovie-filmer till vcd- och svcd-skivor."
As seen in...
"Je trouve le résultat remarquable !"
"When you delete a file from your computer, only the file reference is deleted. The data is still retrievable...Drag a file to ShredIt and watch it disappear forever. "
"If you tremble at the thought of emptying your Mac's Trash, To the Trash can be your security blanket. "

"Installation was a snap...First use was very straight forward...All-inall, the iVCD software functions quite well, creating DVD quality movies on a CDR. If you are interest in VCDs or SVCDS, I strongly recommend that you give iVCD a try. "
"No prizes for guessing this's my favorite VCD player. While QuickTime player is free, it uses twice the RAM of MacVCD, opens sluggishly on G3 machines (we're talking OS 9 here) and doesn't do half the VCD stuff MacVCD does. MacVCD is an elegant and mature product which will play MPEG-1 better than QuickTime Player on older machines (low-end G3s and 604es). "
"Recently, two MIT students found during their two-year study that over half of the hard drives collected had recoverable data. Even more eye-opening: A good number of those drives contained personal information, such as credit card numbers, medical records, and personal letters. "
Article: "Ultimate Data Destruction"
Feb 2003
Tech TV
The Screen Savers
"Damit auch Macintosh-User unter Mac OS X in den vollen Genuss einer Video-CD kommen, wurde das Programm macvcdx von Mireth Technology entwickelt und veröffentlicht.
"You also can play Video CDs on your Mac by using Mireth Technology's ... MacVCD utility, available at http://www.mireth.com.."
"This is an easy, permanent way to destroy Web browser cache, Web browser history files and e-mail trash."
"As most folks know, emptying the trash simply removes a directory address; nothing is really erased. This can be a good thing: remember the last time you hit delete by accident? Still, any user with access to your machine can easily recover your deleted files without your consent. Or, you may want to be sure your personal information is erased before transferring ownership of a computer or drive. ShredIt, by Mireth Technology, ensures that things actually deleted. "
Article: "Mac shareware Essentials"
Sandy Foderick
The Pulp (Mar 2001)
"Head of the Herd" December 1999