FAQ: Download Apps

I can’t download the App. What do I do?

If you have any problems downloading an App, try downloading from the other site. If that doesn’t work, email Support and we will email it to you. Please be sure to specify which App (program) you are trying to download.

Where is the App I just downloaded?

Your browser puts everything you download in the location configured in your browser’s preferences. Usually, that’s in the “Download” Folder, which you can see in the left column of your screen, unless you change your browser’s preferences.

  • If you are not sure where your browser is putting downloaded files, check in the browser settings. If you can’t find the setting, do a Google search to find where the setting is. (You need to search for that information since it varies by browser and can change over time.)

You have more than one download link. Do I need to download the App from all of them?

No. We provide more than one download site to provide better service to our clients. With more than one site, we provide redundancy so that clients can download from another site, in case the first one they try is temporarily down. All of our download sites always have the latest version of all of our software on them.

How do I de-compress the archive I just downloaded?


To decompress a SIT archive, use StuffIt Expander. StuffIt Expander is the defacto standard decompression application for Macintosh users on the Internet.  If you are using Mac OS 8 or Mac OS 9 you can install expander from your Mac OS install CD.

If you are having trouble decompressing a file from our site, it may be that you are using an older version of StuffIt Expander. To solve this problem, download the latest version of StuffIt Expander here:

Get Expander

StuffIt Expander is available  free of charge.

Once you have decompressed the archive, follow the installation instructions in the Read Me file.


To decompress a SEA.HQX archive, double click it.

Once you have decompressed the archive, follow the installation instructions in the Read Me file.


A dmg archive is a disk image file. You don’t have to decompress a disk image. To use a disk image, follow these steps:

  1. Download the disk image (DMG) archive to your computer.
  2. Double-click the downloaded disk image (e.g. netshredx.dmg). This mounts the software disk on the desktop (e.g. NetShred XDisk)
  3. Double-click the disk to open it. Once you have opened the disk, follow the installation instructions in the Read Me file.
  4. Once you have installed the software and are no longer using the files on the  disk, eject it. To eject the  disk, select the disk by single- clicking it and select “Eject” from the File Menu (File>Eject)


To decompress a EXE archive, double click it.

Once you have decompressed the archive, follow the installation instructions in the Read Me file.


To decompress a ZIP archive, double click it.

Once you have decompressed the archive, follow the installation instructions in the Read Me file.

What’s in the archive (App) I just downloaded?

The compressed file you just downloaded contains the following three things:

  • The demo version of the product, which you can try free of charge. Use it to see how the product works
  • The full version of the product, which needs to be registered before it will run
  • The Documentation

How do I install the App?

For further information on installing the App, see

  • the Read Me file included in the documentation folder shipped with the App
  • The App FAQ, available on our site
  • The App Tutorial, available on our site
  • If you need further help, contact us

Your FAQ doesn’t answer my question/I need further help. What do I do?

If your question is not answered, please contact Product Support at support@mireth.com. Please include the following information:

  • Problem description
  • If the problem is specific to one of our products, please also include:
    • App Name and Product Version
      To find the version number,
      Mac: single click the product icon and Get Info (File:Get Info)
      Windows: single click the product icon and show properties (File:Properties:Version tab)
    • What Operating System and version you are running.
      To find the version number,
      Windows: (Start Menu:My Computer:Help:About Windows)
      Mac OS : (Apple Menu:About this Mac)
      Mac: OS 8, Mac OS 9: (Apple Menu:About this Computer)
    • Whether you are using the trial version or the registered version of the product