Obtaining my ShredIt serial number

Private: test page DWQA QuestionsCategory: ShredIt for Mac OS XObtaining my ShredIt serial number
Mike asked 4 years ago


It seems nobody answers your email at Mireth.

Thought I would ask here since someone appears to actually be answering these questions.

How can I obtain my original serial # I received when I purchased Shredit for Mac?

I uninstalled it and had to reinstall it now I need to enter the serials purchase codes again but not longer have them.

Thanks for your help.

1 Answers
Robert Wiebe Staff answered 4 years ago

For support, like lost serial numbers, you can send the request to support at mireth dot com and you will, typically, get an answer within 24 hours.  Other methods like sending feedback or marketing or FAQ questions like this one will take longer and, in addition, the answer to a serial number request is not the kind of answer that would be posted to a public forum.