from TechNewsWorld
iVCD Turns Up Heat on Disc-Burning Features… the product has remained a sharp disc-burning utility fully capable of creating DVDs [ – Read More]
from MacWorld Sweden
Alla som vill bränna filmer i nära-dvd-kvalitet på sin cd-brännare kan få en ny vän i IVCD. Programmet har nyligen släppts i version 2.0 och klarar att bränna Quicktime-, avi- och Imovie-filmer till vcd- och svcd-skivor. [Read More]
I am impressed beyond words with your support
I am impressed beyond words of your support for iVcd. Mireth is a good company and I would encourage anyone to buy any product you made because of your dedication to supporting your client….Mireth is an excellent company and iVcd is great for anyone needs simplicity and streamlined one-step process in video.
The support is absolutely second to none
[iVCD] Makes creating looping VCDs for trade shows dead-easy! And the support is absolutely second to none.
I strongly recommend that you give iVCD a try
Installation was a snap…First use was very straight forward…All-inall, the iVCD software functions quite well, creating DVD quality movies on a CDR. If you are interest in VCDs or SVCDS, I strongly recommend that you give iVCD a try. [Read More]
What an excellent piece of software
What an excellent piece of software, to date faultless and c.d.’s play on all dvd players tested either in vcd and some svcd, not bad for here in the UK – better success rate than dvd’s. … iVCD fills the gap for Macs without combo drive and playback quality hardly noticeable from dvd on wide screen. Not had any burn failures to date and can now store all movies on hard drive knowing that they can be written to disk in an acceptable quality without using up space as you do storing an imovie project.
It couldn’t be easier
hello…just bought iVCD and found it instantly excellent. I have been making animations in a somewhat peculiar format and was worried that delivering them in DVD form was going to be very complicated – but it couldn’t be easier.
Wow! I was floored!
Hi, I bought iVCD for Mac OS X tonight. Two words. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. O.K. six. I cannot tell you how long nor how many programs ago my quest began. I really did not have much hope, but I figured I might as well give you a “demo” try. Wow! I was floored! No problems, it was so easy and quite self-explanatory. I have tried so many that ask for so many things that I do not understand, although I have come to be quite well-versed on the temperamental Mac and its preferences. I wish I could explain what it means to be able to have my niece and nephew on a DVD in a slideshow that we did last weekend in “Photo Booth” with special effects on Mac. …Thanks for my sister’s special gift. You know you only get something like that once with kids. DVD it is!!!
Thanks for a great program. Its been worth every penny
[iVCD] All sorted now… thanks for a prompt response. After regarding svcd.vcd as an awful format, down to poor quality picture and out of sync sound… Since changing to mac osx and buying iVCD ive totally changed my view. Thanks for a great program. Its been worth every penny (you can quote me on that) Thanks
I’m delighted with how easy it is to use
Hello! I have downloaded and am currently trying out the demo of iVCD. I’m delighted with how easy it is to use, yet how fully featured it is as well.
iVCD proved simple and intuitive to use
iVCD proved simple and intuitive to use, and worked nicely …. iVCD is a user friendly and economical way to create Video CDs on your Mac. If, for example, you’re looking for a medium for storing, presenting, and sharing your digital video movies, VCDs are well worth considering. Read more
I can’t begin to thank you
Thank you so much. I can’t begin to thank you. I have looked and looked for a way to burn these home movies to disc.
Big fan of your software
Hello, I have been looking for a simple way to create DVDs and VCDs ON THE MAC!!! iVCD hit the bill.
I think your software was really well designed
Thanks for the follow-up — I checked and the emails arrived this morning…. Thanks and, again, I think your software was really well designed and I appreciate your genuinely-helpful and considerate response.
I will recommend you to others
Thank you so much for your persistence. It has paid off! The IVCD is working … and I am overjoyed. …. Once again, thank you for your patience, professionalism and kindness. I will recommend you to others. Warm wishes.
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