Does NetShred X work with Brave

QuestionsCategory: NetShred X for Mac OS XDoes NetShred X work with Brave
Anthony asked 3 years ago

I’m using netshred 5.2 on my macOS 10.13 and want to use Brave browser and there is no setting for this browser.

Or is there?

How can i set NetShred X to clean up after Brave Browser?

Looking forward for any help can get me,


1 Answers
Robert Wiebe Staff answered 3 years ago

The current version of NetShred X is v5.7.1 which you can get here:

NetShred X does not have built in support Brave.

To see which browser have built in supported (and are tested and verified to work with NetShred X), look under the NetShred X > About NetShred… menu.

For any App that does not have built in support, you can use NetShred X > Preferences > Custom to setup the item that you want shredded when you quit from the App. Using the Custom preference, NetShred X can support ANY App.