Very slow

drmossaubrey asked 7 years ago

I’ve tried a couple of times to run ShredIt on Windows10.  it’s a new computer and the hard drive is pretty empty, almost a terabyte of free space.  I ran ShredIt overnight and it had made it just past 1%.  I hope I don’t have to run this for a month.  why so slow?  what do I do?

Moss Aubrey

1 Answers
Robert Wiebe Staff answered 7 years ago

It’s going to depend on your settings.  For maximum speed:

  1. set the software to 1 overwrite,
  2. set the software to a fixed overwrite pattern (i.e. not random)
  3. turn off all government standards

Try wiping the free space again and if you need multiple overwrites change the pattern setting and run it again for another pass.