iVCD Specifications | System Requirements

iVCD Specifications:

Converter feature

Converts video

  • from .mov, .mpeg, .avi, .divx, xvid
  • to DVD, VCD, SVCD, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 or generic mpeg

Burner feature :

  • make DVD, SVCD, VCD  from almost any source file type (.mov, iMovie, Quicktime, mpg, avi, divx, wmv, xvid
  • Burn standard VCD, SVCDm non-standard XVCD or XSVCD
  • Burn a DVD, VCD with menus (playback control)
  • Burn a looping DVD or VCD for use in Kiosks and retail outlets (kiosk mode)
  • Burn hybrid movie/music CDs
  • Burns VCDs that will Autorun on Windows

System Requirements:

To run iVCD you need:

  • Mac OS X 10.4 – OS X 10.11

To convert from AVI or DivX or Xvid you need:

To convert from MPEG-2 or to preview MPEG-2, you need:

  • Apple’s Quicktime MPEG2 Playback Component, available from Apple for $20.00 US

To convert from WMV you need:

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