How to Install NetShred X | Mac

Instructions: How to Install NetShred X

  1. Drag the NetShred X folder to wherever you keep application software.

    install netshred x mac os x internet eraser
    click to enlarge

  2. Double click the NetShred X icon to launch the app.

  3. The Registration dialog will appear when you launch the app:

    click to enlarge

  4. To register, enter the Purchaser’s ID and Serial Number supplied when you bought the app and click the “Register” Button.
    • The easiest way to do this is to copy (Ctrl C) and paste (Ctrl V) the information from the email we sent you.
    • If you purchased a CD, the Serial Number/Registration Key is also on the CD jacket.
    • If there is a problem with the registration information, the “Invalid Registration Information” dialog will appear. To correct the problem, refer to the “NetShred X FAQ”.
      click to enlarge

  5. You’ve now completed the simple setup to have NetShred X run automatically. NetShred X will now do the following:
    • Each time you quit from your email app or a browser, NetShred X will erase your Browser Cache, Mail Trash and TopSites. (You can change which tracks NetShred X will erase in the Preferences.)
    • Before erasing, NetShred X will pop up a dialog box asking you to confirm that you want to erase your browsing data. To erase, click “OK”. (You can disable this confirmation dialog in the Preferences.)

  6. As soon as shredding has started, you can re-start your email or browser app.

  7. (Optional) You can tailor NetShred X’s behavior by modifying the following in the preferences:
    • Change which internet tracks NetShred X will erase. (Use the Shred, Custom, PlugIn and HTML 5 Preferences Tabs)
    • Enable Automatic Hiding (when finished), disable Confirmation, enable logging (Use the Control Preferences Tab)
    • Change the Overwrite pattern and/or enable Government Standard compliance (Use the Control Preferences Tab)
    • Change which email/browser apps are enabled or which profiles are enabled (NetShred X will erase for checked apps and profiles, but will not erase for unchecked apps and profiles)
    • Stop NetShred X from erasing automatically (Use the Control Preferences Tab)
      For further information, refer to the NetShred X Documentation 
  1. (Optional)You can also run NetShred X manually (either in addition to or instead of running it automatically. To do so, use the buttons on the NetShred X Main Screen. For further information, refer to the NetShred X Documentation 

  2. On macOS X 10.14 Mojave or later, grant NetShred X Full Disk Access.
    • Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy Tab
    • From the left-hand menu, select “Full Disk Access
    • From the right-hand menu, click “NetShred X“.

      click to enlarge

Instructions: How to Uninstall NetShred X

  1. Configure NetShred X to not run automatically
    NetShred X>Preferences>Control Tab>Uncheck “Browser Watch

  2. Drag the preferences files to the Trash

  3. Move the NetShred X folder from the Applications folder to the Trash.

  4. If you’ve created an alias to NetShred X, move it to the Trash.
    If you are running NetShred X from the Dock, drag it out of the Dock.

  5. Empty the Trash.

NetShred X Help